Hello there, I'm the Scruffy Bearded Guy and this is my website. I will use it to express my thoughts and ideas on topics such as games, UNIX and programming, computer hardware and computer history, photography and various other things that I appreciate. Technical and non technical readings, that might be coming from books or other resources, random music albums presentations and whatever else seems interesting and brings value to me at different levels.


Critizing aspects will be present since it's unavoidable and legitimate but I will do my best not to turn my articles into reviews. My main goal is to provide contextually appropriate articles based on my personal expression. What I mean by that is, expect the articles to have a little bit of critisism grain while I will irreversibly slap them with my ramblings.


It all started with the Amstrad CPC 464. If I remember correctly the year was 1988 when I started fiddling with computers. I played my first games there and started writing my first programs with GW-BASIC, some Pascal but also gained several minutes of experience of COBOL.

My next machine was an IBM PC-compatible by Schneider, the Amstrad PC1640, which was also my first encounter with floppy disks, since the Amstrad CPC 464 was using a built-in tape drive. I did not had the chance or the privilege to some, to own an Amiga or a Commodore 64 back then but I do own both now.

After my small hiatus with some of Nintendo's consoles (see below), I went all-in with PCs until to this day, by traversing multiple generations of Intel and AMD processors.


My gaming consoles trip started at the early 90s with the 8-bit handheld console by Nintendo, the Game Boy. I played many of the classics and I consider it to be the best handheld console ever made.

My next jump landed me to the Super Nintendo. Without a doubt, is my favorite console of all time. I have so many fond memories playing games at the SNES and I'm still playing games on it to this day.

Basically that was it, a short trip but rather fascinating. Around the time that the first Sony Playstation came out that was the end of an era for me where I basically stopped following any gaming consoles.


My favorite genre is computer role playing games but since I had to fit other games from other genres that I do appreciate, I derived with the following list. Without any specific order:

I'm planning to write individual articles for all of my favorite games, including the ones that are not mentioned here, which are a lot. There are multiple games apart from this list that I've spend hundreds of hours which I really love, but if I had to desperately make a quick list that would be it.


I've been using GNU/Linux as my main operating system since the early 00s. My distribution of choice is debian still to this day, although I disagree with some of their decision making but I do still support it.

I'm an advocate of Free Software and an associate member of the Free Software Foundation for almost twenty years. I've learned to appreciate over the years how much free software benefits not only myself but also the computer world as a whole.

You can support the FSF by following the link below:


In case you're wondering from where the name "Scruffy Bearded Guy" derived, I took the idea from a comic strip called Dilbert by Scott Adams. Pay him a visit and check out his work.

Computer Holy Wars by Scott Adams.

It's easy to guess now that you will be seeing also UNIX related stuff at this blog.


This website is using plain HTML (and a CSS file), nothing more nothing less. It's also somehow optimized so you browse it with a mobile device, like a tablet or a smartphone.

The web took a downward turn many years ago and it sucks. I don't see a bright future but luckily there are programmers out there that understand this and they want a plain and simpler web. Try to support this. Even if your backend is more complex, there are ways to have cleaner websites.

I use Vim for everything so obviously this website was implemeneted just using Vim and then uploading the files to my server.